Led is the tiny stick like copper to join parts by soldering it using soldering station
Through-hole LEDs (that is LEDs with leads that pass through the circuit board) are generally easier to work with than surface mount LEDs (which sit on the surface of the board). Leaded solder is always much easier to work with than lead-free solder, but requires extra care due to potential health hazards. Also, one of the most important aspects of hand soldering is to use the correct size of tip, and keep it clean. The soldering tip width should be about as wide as the pads on the circuit board. Don't use a surface mount soldering tip is you plan on soldering through-hole LEDs, and likewise, don't use a soldering gun designed for house plumbing, to solder components on circuit boards. Be sure to wet your soldering sponge and wipe your iron tip each time you remove it from the stand.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Bernadette Alipao
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